A Little Redesign

Trying a little redesign to better tie the blog to my website, david-fabelo.com. I'm pretty swamped right now but I'd like to tweak both the blog and the web site in the coming weeks, if possible, even if it's simply changing the main image on both the web site and the blog (so the first thing you see isn't my goofy smile. Not that I'm ashamed, mind you; I smile like that when I'm making movies!... Okay, maybe we should still take it down so it's possible an image from one of my films, maybe...?...).

I took a trip to LA Shortsfest last week where "Do Over" played its first Los Angeles area film fest. The film played well and it was great to get back to LA to visit friends, collaborators and just get the rhythm of that city under my feet even if only for a few days. Some nice laughs and warm round of applause for the film. I hope people enjoyed it.

LA isn't the only festival "Do Over" has played recently. In September, so far, it has screened at the Cinesol Film Festival in the Rio Grande Valley, LA Shortsfest as I mentioned, and on Saturday September 15th it screened at Atlanta Shortsfest. I'm still waiting to see when they announce their award winners. "Do Over" for Best Romantic Comedy, maybe? We'll see...

And there are still more festival announcements to be made! I'll admit I'm waiting on one in particular to announce their line up so I can do a write up that covers all of the festivals I just listed and a few more in the fall. I've had a lot on my plate lately so I've been doing a poor job of updating this blog regularly. What have I been up to?

Aside from meeting the festival requirements for "Do Over" and trying to keep up with its promotion, I've also been editing a narrative feature called All That Remains. I've also been serving as post production supervisor on Bryan Poyser's forthcoming feature, The Bounceback. That combined with teaching part-time and keeping up with some major developments in my personal life have kept me occupied.

Things may wind down a bit in a month or two as some of these projects and other things get off my plate. Until then, look out for my next random update at TBD point in the future. In the meantime, thanks for checking in.


FOURPLAY is AGLIFF's Centerpiece Film!


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