DO OVER screens at Dallas Video Festival

"Do Over" screened at the Dallas Video Festival tonight as part of the prestigious Texas Show program. It's the screening that closes out the festival. You can tell the programmers put a lot of work curating and presenting this particular program. We were in the company of many strong films that have represented Texas film on the festival this year, including Kat Candler's "Hellion" and Hannah Fidell's "The Gathering Squall" to name just a few.

Our screening went very well. We received lots of laughs and even more "awwws" when this joke-driven film takes a turn toward something heartfelt and sweet. The Dallas audience was kind to us and open to all the films.

Director Bart Weiss led the Q and A afterward. He talked to each filmmaker by moving down the line and holding the mic for us, making the questions more conversational. By the sound of the laughs, co-writer/editor Taylor Allen and I hopefully entertained the audience with our banter as much as we did with our film. Or we made asshats out of ourselves. A win is a win, I guess.

I wish I could have stayed longer to chat with audience members or other filmmakers, but alas, I have to head back to Austin early to get some work done on Bryan Poyser's The Bounceback. However, it was nice to see this message on our Facebook page by Adam C. Garrett:

Saw your short at the Dallas Video Fest, thought you should have won hands down. Great work.
Picking up a new fan at each screening is the best award we could ask for!

Off to bed. Long drive ahead of me, but I have this to look forward to on my way back south:

If you would like to know where "Do Over" plays next this fall, visit this page.


Great write-up on FOURPLAY in Austin American-Statesman


DO OVER Fall Festival Run