The Lowdown on GOOD NIGHT at SXSW 2013 (includes trailer)

The second of two films I am a part of that world premieres at +SXSW this year is Sean Gallagher's Good Night. I was one of the film's editors alongside Don Howard (and uncredited editing Gallagher - because once you are writer, producer, and director on the film, I think most people will assume you had a hand in the cutting).

This film has traveled a long and windy road. I've jumped on and off it just by virtue of its director's approach to making it. This film was a labor of love for all involved. I know that phrase gets tossed off easily but many of the cast and crew worked well below their pay grade or for nothing at all. There is something about this story and about these characters that I think everyone was drawn to, and we just wanted to help Sean see that it end up on a big screen someday... even if that day was further away than we thought it would be when we first came aboard.

Over the course of this film's development, many of its themes have touched the lives of its creators in ways we never could have expected nor would have wanted, in some cases. For me personally, its surreal how closely some of the events in the movie played out in my own life.

It's a challenging, darkly funny, scrappy little movie. I think Sean and producer Jonny Mars assembled the right crew to see it through.

Good Night world premieres Monday, March 11th at 945 PM at the Rollins Theater. Visit this page for its other screening times.


Leigh's 29th birthday party takes a sudden turn when she announces that the evening may be the last time her friends see her alive. A night of questions, coping and debauchery immediately follow.

Interview with director Sean Gallagher at Slackerwood

Interview with actor/producer Jonny Mars, who has seven (!) projects screening at the festival this year

Good Night - SXSW 2013 Accepted Film from SXSW on Vimeo.


Mentoring at SXSW 2013


The Lowdown on THE BOUNCEBACK at SXSW 2013 (includes trailer)