2013 Sundance Doc Lab: Prologue

I spent last week at the Sundance Resort, participating in the Sundance Doc Edit and Story Lab. It was a my second trip up the mountain. It was a tremendous experience.

As I write this by hand somewhere over Nevada on my way back to Texas, I feel the most exhausted I have felt all week. Exhaustion is normal throughout the Sundance Lab, but once you have some Oikos Greek Yogurt with a cup of coffee, followed by stimulating presentations on storytelling, filmmaking, editing, followed by intense cutting and re-cutting, screening then cutting and re-cutting - the exhaustion never slows you down until you lock up the edit trailer and head back to your cabin. It hits you when it needs to hit you: At bedtime.

I am literally being transported back to the "real world." Between flickers of micro sleep I think back on  all that I have learned, the new friendships I've made, and the hopeful feeling I have toward my next editing project. I feel invigorated. I hope I can carry this feeling with me for a long, long time.

I hope to write about it here on this blog in some detail (not total detail - there are many things said and seen at the lab that should remain private to the lab). I don't know if I'll write one massive post or divide it into sections. But if you're interested in hearing a bit more about my adventures at the lab, please visit this blog over the next week or two. I begin a new project later today, so whatever I do will be at infrequent intervals.


2013 Sundance Doc Lab - pt.1: Riding the lift. Hiking. Potguts.


Do Over Press + Trailer: The Value of Shorts