The Legend of MEXMAN

The Legend of MEXMAN is a madcap documentary about obsession, creativity and finding your voice. When director Josh Polon screened it for producer Steve Bannatyne, he told Steve he thought it was close to finished, but something was nagging at him. A sense that with some fresh eyes and one more pass on the edit, the film could reach new depths. 

Steve introduced Josh to my creative partner, Jason Wehling, and me in hopes we might become those fresh eyes. Jason and I provide story consultation to filmmakers and companies. We rely on our two decades of experience working in independent film, television, commercials and online content to help clients more effectively tell their stories. We thought Josh had an entertaining and engaging cut but we agreed we thought maybe there's more. 

So Josh, Jason and I notecarded his existing structure. We looked at some footage he hadn't found a way to use in the film but he always found compelling. We re-shuffled the cards and created new beats & scenes based off this raw material he showed us. Then we did what we do: we started editing.

Once Josh was happy with the changes, we helped manage his finishing and delivery. This February, The Legend of MEXMAN screens at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and Big Sky Documentary festival over back-to-back weekends. And more festivals will follow from there. 


"A crazy tale..."


HI, I'M TRAVIS MILLS now streaming on Discover+ and HBO Max